Temperature Inversion

Temperature Inversion

Temperature Inversion

Temperature Inversion
Temperature Inversion. Normally, the temperature decreases by 6.5 °C per 1000 meters of height with increase in altitude, when this order of temperature decline is reversed, it is called Thermal Inversion. In case of thermal inversion, there is an increase in temperature with increase in altitude.

During the long winter nights, the Earth's surface gets extremely cold due to intense terrestrial radiation, as a result of which the air coming in contact with it also starts cooling and the lower atmosphere becomes cold while the upper atmosphere remains relatively warm.

This condition of thermal inversion becomes more effective in the condition of clear sky, dry air and slow breeze. It is responsible for dense fogs. This fog creates hindrance in traffic.

Due to terrestrial radiation in mountain valleys, the upper parts of the mountains cool down rapidly and the air that comes in contact with them also cools down. This cold air descends with the help of slope and fills in the valleys, these are called katabatic winds. When the warm air of the valley floor rises, it is called anabatic wind.

Due to thermal inversion, settlements in mountainous areas are settled on the slopes of mountains. The fog produced by thermal inversion protects the coffee crop from strong rays. temperature inversion.temperature inversion is.in a temperature inversion.
temperature inversion and air pollution.surface temperature inversion.temperature inversion.

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