jet stream

(PDF) Jet Stream | Jet Stream and its types

Jet Stream

Jet Stream | Jet Stream and its types

Jet Stream | Jet Stream and its types.Jet Stream Jet stream – These are very high speed horizontal winds running from west to east near the troposphere. It remains active in the form of a transition belt 150 km wide and 2 to 3 km thick. Their speed is 150 to 200 km per hour. Their speed on core can be up to 325 km per hour.

Jet streams are generally found only in the Northern Hemisphere and in the Southern Hemisphere they are found only at the South Pole. They run from west to east. The main reason for their origin is the difference in temperature on the surface of the earth and the pressure gradient generated from it. The main reason is the thermal gradient generated between the equatorial region and the polar region. Due to the higher thermal gradient in winter than in summer, the intensity of jet stream also increases in winter.

Due to the absence of terrestrial surface in the Southern Hemisphere, the temperature gradient is less, so the jet stream is less stable in the Southern Hemisphere and more stable in the Northern Hemisphere.

Due to the decrease in the height of the troposphere from the equator towards the poles, there is also a decrease in the height of the jet stream.

Jet Stream | types of jet stream

  1. polar night jet stream
  2. polar front jet stream
  3. subtropical jet stream
  4. tropical easterly jet stream

Polar Night Jet Stream

They are found in latitudes above 60 degrees in both the hemispheres.

Polar Front Jet Stream

It is found at an altitude of 9 to 12 km between 40-60 degrees northern latitudes. It is related to the polar air masses. These waves follow the said anomalous path. Their speed is 150-300 km per hour, and air pressure is 200 to 300 millibars. These are also called Rossby waves.

Subtropical Jet Stream

They are found at an altitude of 10 to 14 km between 30 to 35 degrees north latitudes. Their speed is 350 to 385, and air pressure is 200 to 300 millibars. The main reason for their origin is the convection action due to high temperature in the equatorial region. These jet winds are responsible for the Western Disturbances in India between December and February.

Tropical Easterly Jet Stream

Unlike other jet streams, its direction is northeast. They only occur in the summer in the Northern Hemisphere, near 25 degrees north latitude. At an altitude of 14 to 16 km, they originate in areas with 100 to 150 millibar air pressure. Their speed is 180 km per hour. This jet is responsible for the origin of the Indian monsoon.

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