Junior Accountant Vacancy 2023

(Apply Online)Junior Accountant Vacancy 2023 Important

Junior Accountant Vacancy 2023

Junior Accountant Vacancy 2023 Rajasthan Junior Accountant Recruitment 2023 राजस्थान Junior Accountant कनिष्ठ लेखाकार भर्ती 2023 – 5190 पदों पर नोटिफिकेशन जारी

Junior Accountant Vacancy 2023.Rajasthan Junior Accountant Vacancy  2023 राजस्थान कनिष्ठ लेखाकार भर्ती 2023 – 5190 पदों पर नोटिफिकेशन जारी: RSMSSB नें राजस्थान कनिष्ठ लेखाकार भर्ती 2023 का नोटिफिकेशन जारी कर दिया है। राजस्थान जूनियर अकाउंटेंट भर्ती 2023 का नोटिफिकेशन 5190 पदों पर जारी किया गया है। Rajasthan Junior Accountant Recruitment 2023 के लिए योग्य एवं इच्छुक अभ्यर्थी RSMSSB की  ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं।

Rajasthan Junior Accountant Recruitment 2023 के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की प्रोसेस और डायरेक्ट लिंक नीचे दिया गया है। Rajasthan Junior Accountant Recruitment 2023 के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन की तिथि  27 जून से 26 जुलाई 2023 तक हैं। Rajasthan Junior Accountant Recruitment 2023 के लिए योग्यता, आयु सीमा, आवेदन शुल्क एवं सभी जानकारी नीचे दी गई है। अभ्यर्थी आवेदन करने से पहले एक बार ऑफिशल नोटिफिकेशन जरूर देख लें।

भर्ती सम्बंधित जानकारी के लिए आज ही हमारे whatsapp ग्रुप एवं टेलीग्राम चैनल से जुड़िये निचे दिए गए लिंक के माध्यम से –


Rajasthan Junior Accountant Recruitment 2023 Details

cruitment Organization (RSMSSB) Rajasthan Staff Selection Board
Post NameJunior Accountant कनिष्ठ लेखाकार
Advt No.02/2023
Total Posts5190
Job Locationराजस्थान
Last Date to Apply26 July 2023
Exam Date17 September 2023
Mode of ApplyOnline
CategoryRSMSSB Junior Accountant 2023
Official Websitersmssb.rajasthan.gov.in
Junior Accountant Vacancy

Junior Accountant Recruitment 2023 Rajasthan Application Fees

Rajasthan Junior Accountant Recruitment 2023 Application Fee

राजस्थान जूनियर अकाउंटेंट भर्ती 2023 में सामान्य और अनारक्षित वर्ग के लिए आवेदन शुल्क 600 रुपए है। जबकि अनुसूचित जाति, अनुसूचित जनजाति, अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग, अति पिछड़ा वर्ग, आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्ग एवं समस्त दिव्यांगजन के लिए आवेदन शुल्क 400 रुपए है। अभ्यर्थी आवेदन शुल्क का भुगतान ऑनलाइन माध्यम से कर सकते हैं।

सामान्य वर्ग और अनारक्षित वर्ग के लिए आवेदन शुल्क: 600 रुपए

आरक्षित वर्ग के सभी अभ्यर्थियों के लिए: 400 रुपए

समस्त दिव्यांगजन अभ्यर्थियों के लिए: 400 रुपए

अभ्यर्थी आवेदन शुल्क का भुगतान ऑनलाइन माध्यम से कर सकते हैं।

ये भी पढ़ें

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures in Geography

Landform Pictures in Geography

Dec 2023. Landform Pictures.Here are brief description and images of various landforms.

Landform Pictures BEACH

Landform Pictures.A beach is a shoreline landform composed of loose particles such as sand, gravel, or pebbles, found at the boundary between land and water. It is formed by the deposition of sediment and serves as a recreational area and habitat for various organisms.

Landform Pictures


Landform Pictures.A delta is a landform created by the deposition of sediment carried by a river as it flows into a larger body of water, such as a lake or an ocean. It is characterized by a triangular or fan-shaped landmass and is home to diverse ecosystems, including wetlands and marshes.

Landform Pictures


Landform Pictures.A lake is a large inland body of water that is typically freshwater and surrounded by land. It is formed by various geological processes, such as tectonic activity, glacial activity, or volcanic activity. Lakes can vary in size and depth and serve as important habitats, water sources, and recreational areas.

Landform Pictures


Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures.A plateau is a flat or gently sloping elevated landform that is characterized by its relatively flat top surface, standing higher than the surrounding areas. It is usually formed through geological processes such as volcanic activity, tectonic uplift, or erosion. Plateaus often exhibit steep sides and can vary in size from small to extensive areas.

Landform Pictures.VALLEY

Landform Pictures.A valley is a low-lying area between hills or mountains, typically formed by erosion or tectonic forces. It is characterized by its elongated shape and usually contains a river or stream flowing through it. Valleys can vary in size and depth and are often fertile and suitable for agriculture.

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures.GULF

Landform Pictures.A gulf is a large inlet or bay that is partially enclosed by land, with a narrow entrance opening to a wider expanse of water. It is typically connected to an ocean or sea and can vary in size and shape. Gulfs are often characterized by their curved or crescent-like formations and provide important habitats and shipping routes.

Landform Pictures.CANYON

Landform Pictures.A canyon is a deep, narrow valley with steep sides, typically carved by the erosive action of a river or other geological processes over a long period. Canyons often exhibit dramatic rock formations, cliffs, and intricate geological layers, showcasing the power of water and the forces of nature in shaping the Earth’s surface.

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures.PLAINS

Landform Pictures.Plains are extensive, flat or gently rolling areas of land characterized by their low relief and lack of significant topographic features. They are typically formed by sediment deposition, erosion, or tectonic activity. Plains can be found on continental landmasses and are often suitable for agriculture and human settlements due to their fertile soils.

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures.WATERFALL

Landform Pictures.A waterfall is a natural phenomenon where a river or stream flows over a vertical drop in elevation, creating a cascade of falling water. It occurs when the underlying rock is resistant to erosion, causing the water to plunge or tumble downward. Waterfalls are often visually stunning and can be found in various landscapes around the world.

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures.OCEAN

Landform Pictures.An ocean is a vast body of saltwater covering a significant portion of the Earth’s surface. It is a major component of the hydrosphere and comprises interconnected bodies of water, such as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, and Arctic Oceans. Oceans play a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate and are home to diverse marine ecosystems.

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures. HILLS

Landform Pictures.Hills are elevated landforms that are lower in height and less steep compared to mountains. They are characterized by their rounded or sloping contours and are often found in groups or as part of larger mountainous regions. Hills are created through geological processes such as erosion, uplift, or volcanic activity.

Landform Pictures.CANAL

Landform Pictures.A canal is a man-made waterway constructed for navigation, irrigation, or water supply purposes. It is typically dug or engineered to connect existing bodies of water, such as rivers or lakes, allowing for the transportation of goods or the distribution of water for agricultural or industrial use. Canals often feature locks to manage water levels and facilitate the movement of boats.

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures.ISLAND

Landform Pictures.An island is a landmass that is completely surrounded by water. It is typically smaller than a continent and can vary in size, ranging from tiny islets to large land masses. Islands are formed through various geological processes, such as volcanic activity, tectonic uplift, or the submergence of land due to rising sea levels. They often possess unique ecosystems and can be found in oceans, seas, lakes, or rivers.

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures.PENINSULA

Landform Pictures.A peninsula is a landform that extends out from a larger landmass and is surrounded by water on three sides. It is connected to the mainland by a narrow strip of land called an isthmus. Peninsulas can vary in size and shape, and they often feature diverse coastal environments and provide opportunities for trade, tourism, and unique ecosystems.

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures.RIVER

Landform Pictures.A river is a natural flowing watercourse that typically originates from a source, such as a spring or a melting glacier, and flows downhill towards a larger body of water, such as a lake, sea, or ocean. Rivers play a vital role in the hydrological cycle, shaping landscapes, providing habitats, and serving as important water sources for human activities.

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures.CLIFF

A cliff is a vertical or near-vertical rock face that rises abruptly from a lower level, such as a coastline or a mountainous area. Cliffs are formed through geological processes, including erosion by wind, water, or ice. They can vary in height, providing dramatic landscapes and often serving as nesting sites for birds or recreational destinations for rock climbing enthusiasts.

Landform Pictures

Landform Pictures. MESA

Landform Pictures. A mesa is a flat-topped landform characterized by steep sides and a relatively flat, elevated plateau-like surface on top. It is typically surrounded by cliffs or escarpments and is formed through erosion, often in arid or desert regions. Mesas can offer stunning panoramic views and are notable geological features.








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RKCL Result

RKCL Result 2023

RKCL Result.updated 17 /12/ 2023वर्धमान महावीर ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी (वीएमओयू), कोटा विभाग द्वारा आरएससीआईटी परीक्षा का आयोजन किया गया है। आरएससीआईटी पूर्ण रूप से “राजस्थान स्टेट सर्टिफिकेट इन इनफॉर्मेशन टेक्नोलॉजी” के रूप में जाना जाता है, और इस परीक्षा का आयोजन राजस्थान नॉलेज कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड (आरकेसीएल) द्वारा वर्धमान महावीर ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी (वीएमओयू) के द्वारा किया जाता है। यहां हम रिजल्ट की जांच करने की प्रक्रिया और डायरेक्ट लिंक के साथ संबंधित पूरी जानकारी प्रदान कर रहे हैं।

RKCL Result 2023

वर्धमान महावीर ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी (VMOU KOTA) कोटा द्वारा आरएससीआईटी की परीक्षा पहली पारी 7 मई 2023 को और दूसरी पारी 14 मई 2023 को विभिन परीक्षा केन्द्रो पर आयोजित की है। बहुत से परीक्षार्थियों ने RSCIT / RKCL परीक्षा में भाग लिया है, और अब VMOU के द्वारा आरएससीआईटी रिजल्ट 12 जून 2023 मे जारी कर दिया गया है। RSCIT Exam 2023 में शामिल होने वाले उमीदवार निचे दिए गए Direct Link से अपना आरएससीआईटी रिजल्ट 2023 को प्राप्त कर सकते है।

परीक्षा तिथिपरीक्षा परिणामटिप्पणीउत्तर कुंजीपरिणाम रोकापरीक्षा रद्दअनुचित साधनों का प्रयोग
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RSCIT Result 2023 Name Wise | RKCL Result 2023

RKCL Result 2023. RSCIT Result 2023 Name Wise : आरएससीआईटी रिजल्ट चेक करने के लिए अभ्यर्थी को कोटा ओपन की ऑफिशल वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा | यहां पर कैंडिडेट अपने RSCIT Result Name Wise और डेट ऑफ बर्थ दोनों से रिजल्ट चेक कर सकते हैं अपने आरएससीआईटी रिजल्ट नाम से चेक करने के लिए यहां बताए गए निर्देशों का पालन करें।

  • सबसे पहले आपको VMOU की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट www.rkcl.vmou.ac.in पर जाना है।
  • के बाद के सामने View Result के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करें ।
  • यहां अभ्यर्थी अपने जिले का चयन करें और सर्च बाय नेम एंड डेट ऑफ बर्थ के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करें।
  • विद्यार्थी अपना “जन्म दिनांक और नाम ” डालकर View के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करें।
  • यहां क्लिक करने के बाद में आपके सामने RSCIT Result ओपन हो जाएगा।

RKCL Result 2023 | RSCIT Result 2023 Roll Number Wise

RKCL Result 2023.RSCIT Result 2023 Roll Number Wise: आरएससीआईटी रिजल्ट चेक करने के लिए अभ्यर्थी को कोटा ओपन की ऑफिशल वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा | यहां पर आप अपने RS-CIT Result Roll Number Wise से चेक कर सकते हैं अपने आरएससीआईटी रिजल्ट रोल नंबर से चेक करने के लिए यहां बताए गए स्टेप्स का पालन करें।

  • सबसे पहले इसकी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट www.rkcl.vmou.ac.in खोले
  • यहां आपको “Result” के सेक्शन पर क्लिक के लिंक पर क्लिक करें ।
  • और फिरअपना रोल नंबर भरे।
  • फिर आपको सबमिट बटन पर क्लिक करना है।
  • और आपका रिजल्ट आपके सामने आ जाएगा।

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ये भी पढ़ें

(PDF)COSMOS in Geography 2023


COSMOS in Geography

COSMOS in Geography.The cosmos, a vast and awe-inspiring entity, has captivated human curiosity since time immemorial. It encompasses everything that exists beyond our planet Earth, from stars and galaxies to nebulae and black holes. As we explore the mysteries of the universe, we delve into the realm of geography, for the cosmos is a grand tapestry of spatial relationships and celestial landscapes. Join us on a cosmic journey as we embark on an exploration of the geography of the universe.

The Cosmic Neighborhood

The first step in understanding the geography of the cosmos is to familiarize ourselves with our cosmic neighborhood. Our solar system, a tiny speck in the vastness of the universe, consists of the sun, eight planets, numerous moons, and various other celestial objects. Each planet possesses unique geographical features, such as Mars’ rust-colored deserts or Jupiter’s massive swirling storms. Moons like Saturn’s Titan or Jupiter’s Europa also display fascinating landscapes and potential for extraterrestrial exploration.

Stars and Galaxies:

Beyond our solar system lie billions of stars that form intricate constellations and galactic structures. Just as geography studies the distribution and arrangement of landforms on Earth, understanding the distribution and arrangement of stars and galaxies is a fundamental aspect of cosmic geography. Different types of galaxies, including spiral, elliptical, and irregular, exhibit varying spatial patterns, providing valuable insights into the universe’s evolution and dynamics.

Celestial Phenomena:

Cosmic geography is not only about stationary celestial bodies but also encompasses the study of dynamic and transient phenomena. Supernovae, the explosive deaths of massive stars, create stunning nebulae that showcase intricate patterns and structures. These celestial “geological formations” serve as indicators of stellar evolution and the dispersal of heavy elements throughout the cosmos.

The Expanding Universe:

Geography is concerned with the interconnectedness of landscapes, and in the cosmos, the concept of space itself plays a critical role. The notion of an expanding universe, established by Edwin Hubble’s observations in the early 20th century, reveals that galaxies are moving away from one another. Just as the geographic study of plate tectonics uncovers Earth’s dynamic nature, the expanding universe suggests that the geography of the cosmos is continually evolving.

Uncharted Territories:

Despite the vast amount of knowledge we have gained, there is still much of the cosmos that remains unexplored. Dark matter and dark energy, for instance, account for a significant portion of the universe’s composition, yet their nature and distribution remain elusive. The study of these enigmatic aspects of the cosmos is akin to exploring uncharted territories, much like early geographers venturing into unknown lands.


The geography of the cosmos takes us on a mesmerizing journey through the spatial dimensions of the universe. From our humble solar system to the dazzling arrays of galaxies, cosmic geography reveals the interconnectedness and dynamic nature of celestial bodies. By studying the distribution, arrangement, and evolution of the cosmos, we gain profound insights into the vastness of space and our place within it. As we continue to explore and uncover the mysteries of the cosmos, the geography of the universe will continue to astound and inspire us, reminding us of the infinitude of our cosmic home.

COSMOS kya hai

ब्रह्माण्ड को अंग्रेजी में कॉसमॉस कहा जाता है |

COSMOS in Hindi

ब्रह्माण्ड को अंग्रेजी में कॉसमॉस कहा जाता है |

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Exploring the 1 Vibrant Capital of Ghana

Capital of Ghana

Exploring the Vibrant Capital of Ghana

Capital of Ghana.Introduction: Welcome to Accra, the bustling and vibrant capital city of Ghana! Located on the Atlantic coast of West Africa, Accra is a city that seamlessly blends a rich cultural heritage with a rapidly evolving modern landscape. From its historical landmarks to its lively markets, Accra offers visitors a delightful fusion of tradition and progress. Join us as we embark on a virtual journey to explore the enchanting capital of Ghana .

Rich Historical Significance:

Accra has a compelling history that dates back centuries. Originally settled by the Ga people, the city later became a hub for trade with European merchants during the colonial era. Explore the Jamestown neighborhood, known for its colonial architecture and historic lighthouse, which offers breathtaking views of the coast. The Osu Castle, a former Danish fort, now serves as the seat of government and a testament to the city’s colonial past.

Cultural Melting Pot:

Ghana is renowned for its diverse culture, and Accra encapsulates this diversity flawlessly. The National Museum of Ghana showcases the country’s rich cultural heritage, housing an impressive collection of artifacts and exhibits that provide insights into Ghanaian history. Explore Makola Market, a bustling open-air market where you can immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere, interact with locals, and discover traditional crafts, clothing, and delicious street food.

Modern Development:

Accra has experienced significant development in recent years, becoming a major economic and business hub in West Africa. The city is home to impressive infrastructure projects, including modern shopping malls, luxury hotels, and high-rise buildings. Osu, a trendy neighborhood in Accra, features a lively nightlife scene with vibrant bars, clubs, and restaurants, offering visitors a taste of the city’s contemporary energy.

Beautiful Beaches:

Accra boasts stunning beaches along its coastline, making it a perfect destination for beach lovers. Labadi Beach, also known as La Pleasure Beach, is a popular spot where locals and tourists come together to enjoy the sun, sea, and sand. From beach volleyball to live music performances, Labadi Beach offers a fantastic blend of relaxation and entertainment.

Gastronomic Delights:

Ghanaian cuisine is diverse and flavorsome, and Accra is the perfect place to indulge in a culinary adventure. From street food stalls offering mouthwatering kebabs, grilled fish, and waakye (a traditional rice and beans dish) to upscale restaurants serving both local and international cuisines, Accra’s dining scene caters to every palate.

Warm and Welcoming People:

Ghanaians are known for their warmth, friendliness, and hospitality, and Accra is no exception. The locals, often referred to as “Accraites,” welcome visitors with open arms, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment. Engaging with the locals provides an opportunity to learn about their traditions, values, and way of life, leaving a lasting impression on your visit.


Accra, the capital of Ghana, offers a captivating blend of history, culture, and modern development. From its historical landmarks to its vibrant markets and stunning beaches, the city has something to offer every visitor. Accra’s unique charm lies in its ability to preserve its cultural heritage while embracing progress, making it a truly dynamic and remarkable destination. So, whether you’re a history enthusiast, a beach lover, or a foodie, Accra is ready to charm you with its lively spirit and captivating attractions. Plan a visit to this remarkable city and embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of Ghana.

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RPSC Assistant Professor Vacancy 2023

RPSC Assistant Professor Vacancy 2023. राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा अतिशीघ्र सहायक आचार्य या कॉलेज लेक्चरर के 1952 पदों पर विज्ञापन जारी हो सकता है | RPSC Assistant Professor Vacancy 2023 की भर्ती के लिए माह जून 2023 में विज्ञप्ति जारी की जा सकती है | इस सम्बन्ध में राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग को अभ्यर्थना मिल चुकी है | आयोग के सूत्रों के अनुसार कुछ बिंदुओं का सम्बंधित विभाग से निराकरण कर जल्द ही विज्ञप्ति राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/ पर जारी की जाएगी |

RPSC Assistant Professor Subject Wise Vacancy 2023

राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग के सूत्रों के अनुसार विषयवार पदों का विवरण जल्द ही आयोग द्वारा आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जारी किया जायेगा |

RPSC Assistant Professor Vacancy 2023 Syllabus

RPSC Assistant Professor की पिछली दो भर्तियों में सिलेबस में ज्यादा परिवर्तन देखने को नहीं मिला है अतः अभ्यर्थी बेसिक तयारी शुरू करने के लिए राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग की वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध पुराने सिलेबस को देख सकते हैं |

RPSC Assistant Professor Vacancy 2023 Notification

RPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 Overview
Name of Exam RPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023
Post Assistant Professor/ College Lecturer
Conducting Body Rajasthan Public Service Commission
State Rajasthan
Category Notification and Recruitment
Mode of Application Online
Mode of Exam Offline
Selection Process Written Test 200 marks & Interview 24 Marks or 20 Marks
Official Website https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/

RPSC Assistant Professor ExamPattern 2023 

RPSC Assistant Professor की लिखित परीक्षा में कुल तीन पेपर होंगे

  • पेपर 1(75 अंक , 150 प्रश्न ) – एवं पेपर -2 (75 अंक , 150 प्रश्न )
  • पेपर 3 -(50 अंक , 100 प्रश्न )
  • इंटरव्यू – 20 /24 अंक

RPSC Assistant Professor Exam Date 2023 

यद्यपि RPSC Assistant Professor का विस्तृत विज्ञापन जारी होना है फिर भी आगामी चुनाव एवं अचार संहिता को ध्यान में रखकर अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है की परीक्षा का आयोजन वर्ष 2024 के पूर्वार्द्ध में करवाया जाना संभावित है |

RPSC Assistant Professor Notification PDF

जल्द ही आयोग की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जारी कर दिया जायेगा |

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